Scaling Up: Transform Your Growth Strategy
Includes Q&A
Tuesday, August 27th at 12 pm ET
Join Duncan MacPherson for this fast-paced webinar, where he delves into the critical transition from organic growth to scalable growth. This pivotal shift is essential for any business looking to expand its reach and impact significantly.
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Proven Strategies Blog

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2024-07-10 • 20 second read

Adopting a service-first approach can transform the way you gain referrals and introductions. 

By prioritizing the delivery of exceptional value, you make the introduction process seamless and genuine. Clients feel more comfortable recommending you when they see firsthand the benefits of your service.

A service-first mindset builds trust and showcases your dedication to client satisfaction. It moves the focus away from selling and towards providing meaningful assistance. This approach not only enhances your reputation but also encourages clients to advocate for you, leading to more organic growth through word-of-mouth referrals.

Learn more about these proactive strategies to enhance your client relationships in our latest podcast episode with Jackie Wilke, VP of Advisor Consulting at First Trust, where she shares her expert insights and actionable tips.

Stream the "Always On" podcast featuring Jackie by clicking one of the links below: 

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2024-07-08 • 20 second read

Client engagement should be proactive rather than reactive to drive sustainable growth. Waiting for clients to contact you can result in missed opportunities and weakened relationships. By anticipating their needs and reaching out first, you demonstrate your commitment and add significant value to their experience.

Proactive engagement allows you to identify potential issues before they become problems, providing solutions that keep clients satisfied and loyal. It also positions you as a forward-thinking advisor who is always looking out for their best interests. This approach can significantly enhance client trust and promote long-term growth.

Learn more about these strategies to enhance your client relationships in our latest "Always On" podcast episode with Jackie Wilke, where she shares her expert insights and actionable tips, by clicking one of the links below 

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2024-07-05 • 4 min video

Balancing Values and Valuables

For many first-generation wealth builders, leaving a legacy that encompasses both values and valuables is a primary motivator. Financial Advisors can support this vision by adapting plans to changing policies and providing educational content. Sharing stories of successful legacy planning and addressing clients' concerns about family dynamics can help clients see the benefits of proactive estate planning. By emphasizing solutions tailored to clients' specific goals, advisors can foster deeper client relationships and facilitate meaningful legacy transfers.

Stream the entire podcast featuring Jackie Wilke, VP of Advisor Consulting at First Trust, by clicking one of the links below 

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2024-07-03 • 20 second read

Taking the initiative to build relationships within your clients' families is crucial for financial professionals. It's up to you to reach out and make those connections, ensuring you become indispensable throughout the entire family tree. This approach not only strengthens trust but also secures the loyalty of multiple generations, positioning you as a key advisor for years to come.

Proactively engaging with clients' families involves more than just introductions. It requires offering valuable services and personalized experiences that resonate with each family member. By being proactive and adding genuine value, you can transform relationships and create a lasting impact.

Learn more about these proactive strategies to enhance your client relationships in our latest podcast episode with Jackie Wilke, where she shares her expert insights and actionable tips.

Stream the entire podcast featuring Jackie Wilke, VP of Advisor Consulting at First Trust, by clicking one of the links below 

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2024-07-01 • 5 min video

Expanding Your Reach Through Family Connections

Financial Advisors should position themselves as resources for those who matter most to their clients, extending beyond immediate family to include important individuals like siblings or in-laws. The value of proactive outreach is highlighted by the opportunity to build relationships across the family tree. By emphasizing a service-oriented approach, advisors can connect with multiple generations and capitalize on wealth transfer opportunities that are happening now.

Stream the entire podcast featuring Jackie Wilke, VP of Advisor Consulting at First Trust, by clicking one of the links below:

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2024-07-01 • 20 second read

Today, we celebrate the rich heritage, diverse culture, and boundless opportunities that make our country truly remarkable. As we reflect on what it means to be Canadian, let's take a moment to appreciate the values we hold dear"community, ambition, and resilience.

At Pareto Systems, we are proud to be part of this great nation, working alongside so many dedicated professionals who embody these values in their work every day. Whether you're spending the day with family, friends, or taking a well-deserved break, I hope you find joy and inspiration in the spirit of this special day.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Canada Day!

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2024-06-27 • 20 second read

Unlock Success in Family Dynamics and Next-Gen Wealth with Jackie Wilke

Are you ready to become the indispensable advisor who guides entire families through wealth building and legacy planning?

Remember, it's not your client's responsibility to introduce you and it's not the family member's job to ask. You must be proactive and cultivate relationships across the family tree!

In this enlightening and highly relevant episode, Duncan MacPherson speaks with Jackie Wilke, VP of Advisor Consulting at First Trust Portfolios. They provide a step-by-step guide to progressively foster relationships with your clients' family members (including the next-gen wealth inheritors).

They discuss:

  • How to initiate the conversation with the "family phone call"
  • How to position yourself as a valuable resource for the client's family (you must lead with a give, not an ask!)
  • Major opportunities to create educational content and develop social proof
  • Connecting with the sandwich generation
  • The sweet spot between high-tech and high-touch
  • How to adapt to the evolving needs of the next-gen
  • And more

Stream the full podcast for valuable insights:

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Share your thoughts or questions with us. We're here to engage!

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2024-06-26 • 20 second read

Aligning interests and removing resistance fosters better, long-term relationships by creating a foundation of mutual trust and shared goals. 

When both parties' interests are aligned, it reduces friction and promotes a collaborative environment. This principle ensures that each interaction is more meaningful and productive, leading to deeper connections and sustained engagement.

By focusing on shared goals and removing obstacles, we create a positive feedback loop that enhances trust and satisfaction. 

This approach not only strengthens existing relationships but also transforms clients into advocates who appreciate and endorse the value you bring. It's about creating a win-win scenario where everyone benefits, leading to lasting and fruitful partnerships. 

Want to learn more about mastering this approach? Download the first chapter of my book, The Blue Square Method, for free at Discover how to elevate your advisory practice and create lasting client relationships.

2024-06-25 • 1 min video

Discover how the most enlightened Financial Advisors enhance their persuasive impact without selling.

Watch the full Blue Square Video, "Threading the Needle: Mastering Persuasive Impact without Selling Ep. 180", to learn the art of stewardship over salesmanship and create an environment where value is bought, not sold.   Link is here:

2024-06-24 • 4 min video

Threading the Needle: Mastering Persuasive Impact without Selling

Discover how the most enlightened Financial Advisors enhance their persuasive impact without selling. Learn the art of stewardship over salesmanship, creating environments where value is bought, not sold. Understand the dynamics of first client meetings, setting expectations, and validating introductions. This approach leads to higher client advocacy and eliminates friction, fostering long-term relationships and referrals. Elevate your advisory practice by positioning your process as part of your overarching approach.

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