Every Business is Built to Be Sold: Proven Strategies to Maximize Your Endgame
Includes Q&A
Tuesday, September 24th at 12 pm ET
Join Duncan MacPherson, along with special guest Ted Jenkin, CEO of oXYGen Financial and President of Exit Stage Left Advisors, for a powerful session on how to maximize the value of your business and plan for a successful exit.
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Top AI Use-cases
2024-07-22 • 3 min video

AI in Action: Boosting Productivity

Struggling to keep up with content creation and research? Financial Advisors are leveraging AI to transform their workflows and enhance efficiency. From drafting client emails to generating blog outlines and simplifying research, AI tools like ChatGPT provide instant, high-quality insights tailored to specific needs. Discover how adopting AI can save time, reduce effort, and deliver superior results, enabling you to focus on what truly matters.

Stream the entire podcast featuring Kevin Bishopp, VP and Performance Coach for the Advisor Consulting Group at First Trust, by clicking one of the links below:

Apple Podcasts: paretosys.co/ao_ap 
Spotify: paretosys.co/ao_sp
Find Your Channel: paretosys.co/ao_bb

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