Every Business is Built to Be Sold: Proven Strategies to Maximize Your Endgame
Includes Q&A
Tuesday, September 24th at 12 pm ET
Join Duncan MacPherson, along with special guest Ted Jenkin, CEO of oXYGen Financial and President of Exit Stage Left Advisors, for a powerful session on how to maximize the value of your business and plan for a successful exit.
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The Importance of Family Phone Calls
2024-07-15 • 20 second read

Family phone calls are a vital tool for connecting with the next generation of clients. These calls serve as a proactive introduction, helping you build relationships with younger family members who will one day inherit wealth. By establishing this connection early, you position yourself as their trusted advisor from the start.

Regular family phone calls demonstrate your commitment to the entire family's financial well-being. They provide a platform for open communication and personalized service, ensuring that younger clients feel valued and understood. This strategy helps secure the future of your advisory practice by fostering loyalty across generations.

Learn more about these proactive strategies to enhance your client relationships in our latest podcast episode with Jackie Wilke, VP of Advisor Consulting at First Trust, where she shares her expert insights and actionable tips.

Stream the "Always On" podcast featuring Jackie by clicking one of the links below 

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Spotify: paretosys.co/ao_sp
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