Every Business is Built to Be Sold: Proven Strategies to Maximize Your Endgame
Includes Q&A
Tuesday, September 24th at 12 pm ET
Join Duncan MacPherson, along with special guest Ted Jenkin, CEO of oXYGen Financial and President of Exit Stage Left Advisors, for a powerful session on how to maximize the value of your business and plan for a successful exit.
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Re-Imagining Growth
2023-07-11 • 2 minute read

You’re taking all aspects of your enterprise value seriously. You’ve got a fundamentally sound business. The metrics are impressive. Client loyalty, longevity and engagement are measurable. The EBITDA is strong. Your feeworthiness is undeniable. You have tidy books, documented procedures, a sticky staff and IP with meaningful intrinsic value. Maybe you should just sit on that, enjoy the ride, and wait for a buyer down the road who meets your criteria, while paying you 6x rather than most of your competitors who get 2x?

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